Sunday, October 4, 2009

My identity

I was reading the Capoeira Blog recently and came across a post about a capoeirista's identity. It was very interesting hearing how he got his apelido, as was hearing about how some of my friends got theirs.

Well, I was just given my apelido about a week ago now: Tourinho. It means 'little bull.' Two people worked together on coming up with it (we don't have a profesor or mestre up here) and after watching a video of a roda we had, I find that it is very fitting. The reasoning behind my apelido as given to me: I'm still a beginner, hence the diminutive -inho ending to make it 'little bull' rather than touro 'bull.' Also, I have a tendency to charge in...a lot, not only with cabeçadas (also another source of my apelido), but with some rasteiras and golpes like the benção and queixada (look at my user picture) which are rather linear movements. In retrospect, I also don't like being very high off the ground...seems fitting to me.

I have a feeling that the name will grow with me as I will grow with it. Only the future knows what will develop.

Until next time, muito axé!

1 comment:

  1. Tourinho,
    Good luck with the Capoeira.

    If you have a love for zombies then join us at Zombie Living...
